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Newest Release

There are children in need in every part of the world and in every fictitious realm—from newborns to teens. In These Ties We Forge, multiple authors come together to bring you stories and poems about resilience, love, and the power of making connections even in the midst of loneliness and detachment.


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Even in the darkest night, there is hope. This collection of stories and poems portrays light in the darkness. Multiple authors in various genres take you on a journey from shadow to sunrise, from despair to hope.

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About Twenty Hills

Our mission is to offer a traditional publishing service for authors who just don't quite fit anywhere else. Do you write books that are clean compared to a lot of other books, but are also too gritty to be considered entirely clean? Do you enjoy writing multiple genres? Do you mix genres that classically don't belong together? Do you feel like your books just aren't conventional enough to fit anywhere else? Then Twenty Hills might be the publisher for you. 


We take high-quality novels seriously, which results in stunning book covers, thorough and time-consuming edits, detailed formatting, and as much marketing as we can muster. We value honest and brutal feedback in order to make your novels as good as they can possibly be before hitting publish.

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